Each year on the Sunday before Memorial Day, the Bothell Museum hosts a special memorial event, Petals on the River. Monetary donations were made to the Bothell Historical Museum this last year in the names of twenty-eight people who have died, recently or in the past. Their names are on the Memorial Board hanging in the Hannan House at the base of the stairs.
Eight names were added this year: Lowell DeYoung (John DeYoung’s father), Susan Ericksen (Edith Ericksen Berg’s sister and great-granddaughter of Bothell pioneer Gerhard Ericksen), Allen Haynes (husband of Past Board Member Carol Haynes, and Board Secretary Jill Keeney’s cousin), Russell and Esther Holmes (Past Board President Margaret Turcott’s parents), Frank Keeney (Pop Keeney’s youngest son and Jill Keeney’s uncle), Christina Rosenburg (Board President Bob Gerrish’s grandmother), and Nancy Sparling (Board Treasurer Don Sparling’s wife).
The event began at 12:30 pm. Everyone was welcome to attend on the bridge over the Sammamish River, with or without flower petals. After an explanation of the event, the names were read aloud. Then we dropped our flower petals, and those donated by The Bothell Florist, into the flowing water in which they floated down the river.
Our 2022 Petals on the River event can be seen: click here.